Call Stipend/Call Tracker System

All of the work that you do as a resident is covered under your salary, and this includes the call that you work. The call stipend is an extra stipend that we negotiated in addition to your pay for the call shifts. The time needs to be manually submitted each month in order to get the stipend. The Maritime Resident Doctors Collective Agreement provides for a call stipend to be paid to residents for the call they perform, up to a maximum of 1:4 call. This means if you work more than 7 call in a 28 day period or more than 1:4 spread out over a rotation, you will only be allowed to claim the 7 call (or the 1:4) for the stipend. In-house call shifts will receive a $130 stipend and at-home call shifts will receive a $65 stipend. An at-home call will be upgraded to an in-house stipend payment if four or more hours are spent in-house.

You can also claim a scheduled weekend shift, either less than four hours for a $65 stipend or greater than four hours for a $145 stipend, for shifts that are scheduled. This would include the 9-5 Radiology shifts on Saturday and Sunday and the MTU scheduled rounds.

You can also claim a night shift if you are scheduled to work outside of Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. This includes Emergency shifts and Internal Medicine evening shifts (3 to 11 p.m.). Again, only up to a maximum of 1:4 for the rotation.

Call Tracking System

The Call Tracking System has been built within DalMedix – the Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine’s Intranet (password protected website).

If you do not have a DalMedix account (or you do not know it) or cannot get into the system, please contact or call 902-494-1234 (business hours vary slightly, but normally 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with the best chance of getting someone on the phone being before 4 p.m.).

Please note your call has to be entered into the DalMedix Call Tracker program in order for you to get paid.

If you do not submit your call on time, you will not be paid for your call.

The call is submitted monthly. You can enter your call at the beginning of the month, or any time throughout the month, and can "final" submit any completed (but not future) shifts at any point through the month. You can Final Submit as many times as you like through the month and up until the 10th of the following month. If you do not submit your call before the deadline, you will not be paid the stipend for these shifts.

The system will send you an email reminder on the 3rd of the following month - on your Dalhousie email account - letting you know you have not submitted your call for the month. You will also get a final reminder on the 9th letting you know the final cut off to submit is at midnight on the 10th.

You have to check your Dalhousie email account. You may run into problems if you forward to another email (like a gmail or hotmail account) and Dalhousie is not responsible for you not receiving those emails. If you do not submit - you do not get paid.

PDF of Call Stipend Tracker Directions

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