Maternity Leave

Having a baby while in residency? This is an exciting time in your life, but it can be overwhelming with everything else you have going on.

We have compiled a short list of where to go and what to do if you are expecting. We also have some contact information for the people you may need to get in touch with. So read on… and enjoy your pregnancy.

  • A resident, who is pregnant, shall provide, no later than the fifth (5th) month of pregnancy, a written request to their program director requesting a maternity leave of absence including effective dates. Pregnancy leave shall begin on such a date as the Resident determines, but not sooner than sixteen (16) weeks preceding the expected date of delivery, and not later then the date of delivery.
  • Your program, through DalMedix, will submit the information to the Post-Graduate Medical Education office at Dalhousie University, informing them of your leave. The Post-Graduate Medical Education office will advise Capital Health and Maritime Resident Doctors of your up-coming maternity leave, including your start and end dates.
  • If the doctor puts you off on illness prior to your expected maternity leave start date, you must submit a doctor’s certificate to your program.
  • In order to start the maternity leave process, you must contact the Medical Education Office at NSHA immediately of the date you delivered the baby.
  • Once your maternity leave officially begins, payroll will electronically forward your Record of Employment (ROE) to Service Canada - Employment Insurance (EI) on your behalf. Information regarding EI can be found here.
  • If you have questions regarding your EI you can contact 1-800-206-7218 to receive more information, or click here.
  • It’s important to note, you can apply or set up your claim with EI as soon as you begin your maternity leave, you don’t need to wait for your ROE to be sent.
  • Do not delay in getting set up for EI, as they will not pay retroactively. In order to receive top-up you must be in receipt of EI benefits.

Maternity Leave Top-Up Allowance

A Resident who is employed by NSHA is eligible for 17 weeks of maternity leave. In addition, the resident is eligible to receive an additional 35 weeks of parental leave immediately following the maternity leave.

During the first 17 weeks of maternity leave, you may be paid Supplementary Employment Benefits (S.E.B.) in accordance with the Pregnancy Leave Allowance of the Collective Agreement. 

  • Payments equal to 75% of your salary for one-week while you serve the EI waiting period.
  • Payments equal to 93% of your salary, less your EI Benefit, for a maximum of 15 weeks.

The resident is then eligible to receive an additional unpaid 35 weeks of parental leave immediately following the maternity leave. During your parental leave phase, you will not receive any employer top-up, you will only receive your EI benefit from the government.

In order for your pregnancy allowance/top-up to be deposited into your account from your employer, it is mandatory that proof be provided that you are in receipt of EI benefits. To obtain this proof, go to the Service Canada website, using your access code sent by Service Canada. Go to: “My Current Claim” which includes your benefit rate and waiting period information.

Please ensure that your EI stub states that your waiting period has been served. Please check the dates showing in the waiting period served row to ensure that the dates have passed. You can print this statement and fax it to 902-473-4451 or print off, sign, scan and forward to

Your first pregnancy leave allowance will be deposited directly into your account no later then the next pay after receipt of this information and will continue to be paid on pay days until your payment of your allowance is completed.

Please note: During the time you are off on leave, you are not earning vacation, therefore the academic year in which you take a maternity leave, your vacation will be prorated based on the number of months you worked within the year.

For more information about from the Collective Agreement regarding Maternity Leave, Pregnancy Leave Allowance and Parental Leave, please refer to the following link - Leaves of Absence.

Your Group Benefits while on Leave

While on pregnancy leave, parental leave or adoption leave, your group benefits plan will continue with the same cost-share arrangement. If you are receiving a top-up allowance, this deduction will continue to be deducted from your bi-weekly top-up allowance.  Once exhausted, your group benefits will continue and you will be deducted for the cost of your benefits in one lump sum, upon your return to residency. 

Please note, our Mardocs group benefits plan is mandatory for all members of your family, if other coverage is not available. If you need to switch coverage to a family plan, upon the birth of your baby, please complete the CANADA LIFE CHANGE FORM and return it to to update your plan.

If you already have family coverage in place, you can update your new baby’s birth details directly at under your profile > beneficiaries + dependents.


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