No Discrimination

8.01 The parties agree that there will be no discrimination, harassment, or intimidation exercised or practiced by any of their representatives with respect to any Resident for reason of membership in Maritime Resident Doctors or activity on behalf of Maritime Resident Doctors or by reason of an intention to exercise his or her rights under this Agreement, or the actual exercise of his or her rights under this Agreement, including the filing of a grievance or a complaint to the Joint Consultation Committee.

8.02 The parties agree that there will be no discrimination, harassment or intimidation against a Resident on the prohibited grounds set out in the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act at any of the facilities located in the province of Nova Scotia.

The parties agree that there will be no discrimination, harassment or intimidation against a Resident on the prohibited grounds set out in the Prince Edward Island Human Rights Act at any of the facilities located in the province of Prince Edward Island.

The parties agree that there will be no discrimination, harassment or intimidation against a Resident on the prohibited grounds set out in the New Brunswick Human Rights Act at any of the facilities located in the province of New Brunswick.

8.03 For complete clarification, any applicable family oriented benefits shall be available to families with same sex spouses. A spouse is an individual to whom you are legally married or a person with whom, though not legally married, has continuously cohabitated with you in a conjugal relationship for at least one (1) year, immediately prior to being eligible for coverage and also immediately prior to being eligible for a claim and who is publicly represented as your spouse. Only one individual will qualify as a spouse.

8.04 Allegations of discrimination under Article 8.01 or 8.02 or 8.03 are a matter for the grievance and arbitration process set out in Articles 11 and 12 of this Agreement. They may be filed at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure and shall be treated in strict confidence by the Employer and Maritime Resident Doctors.

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